About Us

The Queens County Bird Club was founded in 1932 with the membership requirement that “a person must have a profound interest in bird life and be at least 12 years of age”. While our focus is still on birding, we do and offer a whole lot more – just ask anyone who has been on our field trips! From butterflies and dragonflies to wildflowers and other flora, and mammals and herps and… well, you get the idea.

Come on a field trip, and we defy you to not learn something new! We have leaders and members of such diverse interests and expertise that we offer much more than just a morning’s bird walk.

The Queens County Bird Club Inc.is a non-profit, tax-exempt, charitable organization.  The Queens County Bird Club Inc. conducts field trips, walks, lectures, and presentations for the purpose of finding birds, identifying birds, appreciating birds, appreciating and comprehending their environmental needs, educating members and the members of the public about how to find and identify birds, and promoting conservation of open spaces and parkland for its intrinsic benefit as well as for the benefit of the avian inhabitants and most importantly why the public benefits from the conservation of these natural features in Queens County.

Data collected during the field trips is provided to other organizations in the form of “citizen science”. Such information is the basis for studies that track population trends and is provided to the National Audubon Society’s Christmas Bird Count; breeding bird distribution trends provided to The New York State Ornithological Association’s “breeding bird census”, and to other municipal and state organizations with respect to endangered species in habitats at risk from development, or other deleterious events.

The aforementioned activities are conducted throughout the year based upon a published field trip schedule and regularly scheduled meetings. The vast majority of the activity is conducted in Queens County, and comprises 95% allocation of time, the balance devoted to administrative tasks.

The activities are funded by membership dues. The activities allow for the representation of those individuals for whom wildlife in general and birds in particular can be enjoyed, learned about and protected – and in a manner in which individual effort can be maximized.